How to create Sales Pages using Page Templates

Page Templates save you time by loading pre-set content from the Content Library. Learn more about how to create Sales Pages from Page Templates.

Templates help SalesReach Pro users move even faster when creating personalized experience for their customers and buyers. 

To create Sales Pages with templates you first need to create a Sales Page Template to reference. After you've created a template it will always be there for reference whenever you need to create a page. Furthermore, you can save any Sales Page as a template. Therefore, if there are any Pages that would make a great Page Template, now you can save them to the Content Library as a Template.

Before creating a page with a Sales Page Template make sure: 

where are page templates

How to create Sales Page with a Template

  • Login to SalesReach
  • From the Dashboard locate the Sidebar Menu
  • Click Create A Page
  • The "Create New Sales Page" modal will appear
  • If templates have been saved in your account and you have the correct permissions thumbnail preview images of Sales Page Templates will be available on the right side of the modal window
    • Preview a Sales Page Template by clicking the eye icon while hovering your cursor over a thumbnail image
  • Click a thumbnail image to select a template
  • Create a title for your Sales Page
  • Confirm the URL
  • Select Visibility settings
  • Click Create

Preview Sales Page Templates

Users may also "favorite" their templates from the template modal for faster access to their most used templates

Just look for the star in the bottom left corner. You can then filter out just favorites using the navigation within the modal.


Learn more about Page Templates


Page Templates are available with a SalesReach Pro or Unlimited subscription.