Guide to Page Templates in SalesReach

Page Templates are located in to the Content Library for SalesReach Pro and they're a great way to speed up Sales Page creation and ensure best practices and content utilization.

Watch the video guide to learn how to use Page Templates in SalesReach 


Page Templates are available with a SalesReach Pro subscription. 

What are Page Templates in SalesReach?

Page Templates are Sales Pages that have been saved to the Content Library to give your customer-facing teams a reference point and some preset content whenever they create a page. 

Instead of starting from scratch each time you create a Sales Page, create and then reference a Page Template to create your new Sales Page even faster. 

If you find that you are consistently using particular combination of Assets or content, you may want to consider saving that Sales Page as a Page Template. This will save you time setting up any new Sales Page. 

Page Templates are also a great way to ensure consistency from your team and lock down any best practices you have in your sales process. 

How Page Templates work

Page Templates are a source from which to create any new Sales Page. They are stored within the Content Library and can be shared with team members. 

When you click 'Create A Page' from the Dashboard, you can choose to start from a Template that you've created or one that your team member has shared with you. 

Similar to Assets and other content types in the Content Library, Sales Page Templates can be kept private, shared with certain groups, or across the whole organization. In this way, Templates are a great way for sales managers and sales enablement teams to provide their team with the best place to start when creating Sales Pages. 

Marketing teams now have the ability to create Page Templates with all the messaging and appropriate Assets for each stage of the buyers' journey. Ensure content gets used, everyone stays on brand, and the sales process moves quickly with Page Templates.

FAQ's related to Page Templates in SalesReach