Where are SalesReach Sales Page Templates located?

Sales Page Templates are located in the Content Library. To manage template files click Page Templates under Content Library.

Though Pages are located on the SalesReach Dashboard, the Sales Page Templates you can use to create Sales Pages are located in the Content Library. 

If you have already created a Sales Page Template, or a team member has created one with the appropriate visibility settings, then the template will be available for quick and easy access once you click "Create New Page" at the top of the sidebar menu from within SalesReach.

where are page templates

How to find Sales Page Templates

  1. Login to SalesReach
  2. From the Dashboard locate the sidebar menu
  3. Under Content Library, click Page Templates

Preview Sales Page Templates before creating a Sales Page

  • Additionally, you can click Create New Page from the Dashboard for a quick view of templates that are available to you. 
    • Click the eye icon to preview any Sales Page Templates

Preview Sales Page Templates

Learn more about Page Templates

Page Templates are available with a SalesReach Pro subscription.