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What is the difference between sessions and views in SalesReach?

Views represent every time a user pings the SalesReach servers, a session represents a timeframe in which a unique user engaged with SalesReach.

To illustrate how this works, consider the following analogy.

Think of SalesReach as a physical store location that customers are visiting.

Customer A arrives at the store and walks in the door.

The report would say one unique visitor, one view, and one session.

Customer B also walks in the door.

The report would then say two unique visitors, two views, and two sessions.

Now, Customer B realizes they forgot their purse and leaves. Customer B returns to the store, now with their wallet, and continues browsing at the storefront.

The report would now say, two unique visitors, three views, and two sessions.

Lastly, consider this variation on Customer B's journey to explain session count in SalesReach further.

SalesReach defines sessions as a rolling two-hour window in which a unique visitor complete actions such as views, plays, and clicks.

So, if Customer B left the store and did not come back until the next day we would have a different report.

In this case, where Customer B does not come back to the store within the operable timeframe, the report would say two unique visitors, three views, and three sessions.

A session captures the full life-cycle of activity a visitor did on SalesReach within a moving window of 2 hours based on the user's last action. A view represents a page load.

To read more about how SalesReach defines analytics, click here.

An example of how SalesReach data reporting works


If a new user visits a sales page from a link they received in an email, the action creates a new session and a new visitor record, and after processing, that data is then displayed as a view and a session on the report for that sales page or asset.

If the same user then reloaded the page, the session count would stay the same, but a visit record count would be added to the metric views.

So, in this case, one session, two visits. 

If that user then visits another sales page, either by another link in an email or an asset that links to another sales page, or some other way, if it's within SalesReach's rolling 2-hour session window, the session count will stay the same, and a new visit record will be added.