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What analytics does SalesReach offer on sales pages?

Sales engagement data and SalesReach analytics are available at the dashboard level from within the analytics drawer.

To access SalesReach sales engagement data, you must locate a sales page and click the analytics icon to open the analytics drawer where detailed reports are located. 

Read more about where to locate SalesReach Analytics here.

How to view sales page analytics

From the dashboard, hover over your sales page or asset and click the analytics icon on the far right.

The analytics icon: 

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List of sales page analytics reported in SalesReach

The information displayed under the header Statistics represent analytics available in SalesReach

  • Views: A pageview is defined as a view of a sales page. If a user clicks reload after reaching the page, this is counted as an additional pageview. If a user navigates to a different page and then returns to the original page, a second pageview is recorded as well.
  • Unique Views: A unique view is an aggregate of views that have been generated by the same user during the same session. A unique view represents the number of sessions during which that page was viewed one or more times.
  • Video Plays: A video play is defined as a user interaction that triggers any video on the sales page to play. 
  • Asset Clicks: When an asset receives user engagement on a sales page, the engagement appears on the report as an asset click. Clicked assets are reported by name in the asset clicks drawer from the SalesReach analytics drawer.
  • Proposal Clicks: When a user clicks the CTA button on the proposal content section 
  • Sessions: a session is an aggregate of all activity a visitor completed during a SalesReach unique view. The unique view metric demonstrates who did what, whereas the sessions metric reports what happened when.

More information displayed on the analytics drawer of any sales page

Sales Page Classifications

  • Deal Stage: sellers can manually update sales pages from the dashboard to reflect the buyer's relationship. Deal Stage classes included: Active, On Hold, Closed Lost, and Closed Won.
  • Owner: This property classifies whom the page belongs to. Sales page ownership is by default, and most typically, the user who created the sales page though pages may transfer from one owner to another. 

Sales Page Lifecycle Data

  • Created: Date the URL of the sales page was created by a SalesReach user. Create date does not indicate a page setup's completion, only making a valid URL, and does not imply a URL accessible externally.
  • First Opened: Date the sales page was opened by a prospect, customer, or audience member for the first time.
  • Last Modified: Date the sales page recieved any edit to the page. Any change to the sales page will update the last modified date.
  • Last Opened: Date the sales page was opened by a prospect, customer, or audience member most recently.
  • Published: Date the sales page became accessible to external audiences. This date represents a sales page that a customer, prospect, or audience member has access to but does not mean they are aware of the sales page.
  • Proposal Click: Date, an external audience member, clicked an asset in the proposal module from the parent sales page. The proposal click date does not indicate a specific proposal but the date of a proposal on the page at that time.