How to organize your Page Templates

There are different settings you can enable or disable to keep your Page Templates organized from within SalesReach

There are many applications for Sales Page Template. Therefore staying organized is key to success with templates. 

SalesReach has a couple of ways to stay organized with templates:

Create folders in the Page Templates area of the Content Library

  1. Login to SalesReach
  2. From the Dashboard locate the sidebar menu
  3. Under Content Library, click Page Templates
  4. In the upper right, above the Page Template Table, click "Add New"
  5. Then click, "Folder"
  6. Select Visibility Settings
    • Tip: Visibility settings on folders is the fastest way to organize the content library. If your members are on teams, such as the west-coast sales team and the east-coast sales team, then groups are a great way to partition content and make sure everyone is using the most relevant information. 

create folder

new folder settings

Create member groups in the General Settings of your SalesReach account

  1. Login to SalesReach
  2. From the Dashboard locate the Sidebar Menu
  3. Under Company Settings, click Groups
  4. In the upper right click, Create New Group
  5. Enter group name and assign members
  6. Then click, Save
  7. Use this group to tag content in the Content Library for organization

Customize Visibility Settings when creating Page Templates

Whenever you create a new Sales Page Template, make sure to enter the appropriate visibility settings. 

There are three settings under Visibility:

  • Just Me - this is private access, only you and your SalesReach account Team Owner or Admin will see this template
  • Everyone - share your template with everyone in your SalesReach account
  • Selected Groups - share this template with Members who have been added to a Group in the General Settings

Create a Content Role to manage access to certain Sales Page Templates

All SalesReach users have Default permissions to the Content Library, unless otherwise expressed with a Content Role. 

Your SalesReach account Team Owner or Admin has access to Content Roles. This is a quick way to set up permissions to members or groups and assign them in bulk, or whenever a new member joins your SalesReach account. 

Content Permissions example

Learn more about Page Templates

Page Templates are available with a SalesReach Pro subscription.