How to edit a Sales Page Template

To ensure that all future Sales Pages created with a particular Page Template are relevant you'll need to update the Sales Page Template or create a new one.

After you've create a Sales Page Template it will remain in the Content Library. If you have the correct permissions or Content Role, you can edit templates.

It may become necessary to change the content on a Sales Page Template to increase performance, or keep things up-to-date with the sales process. 

Note: Editing a Sales Page Template will not impact any published or unpublished Sales Pages. 

Note: Editing an Asset will impact Sales Page Templates. Edits made to Assets are global. 

Editing a Sales Page Template

  1. From the Dashboard locate the Content Library
  2. Under Content Library click Page Templates
  3. Locate the Page Template you would like to make an edit
  4. Click the Page Title to open the Visual Builder
  5. Make your edits with the Sidebar Menu
  6. To confirm your edits click the Sales Page Template in view

Note: All edits made to Sales Page Templates are immediate and update in real time. 

Note: Editing a Sales Page Template will not impact any published or unpublished Sales Pages. 

Learn more about Page Templates

Page Templates are available with a SalesReach Pro subscription.