Where are BuyerVideo recordings saved?

When you record a BuyerVideo the recording is stored in the Videos section of the Content Library.

When you make recordings with BuyerVideo SalesReach will host your videos. 

You can record a video in two ways: 

  1. From the Visual Builder
  2. From the Content Library

There are three ways you can save a recording with BuyerVideo 

  1. From the Visual Builder, you can choose to tie the video to the SalesReach Page
    1. To save a video only to a SalesReach Page you must record from the SalesReach Visual Builder 
    2. You can access this video from either the page or the Content Library
    3. Note: If you record another recording with BuyerVideo to this SalesReach Page, BuyerVideo will ask you if you are okay with replacing your original video. Videos tied to a SalesReach Page are erased when another video is recorded in the same way.
  2. From the Visual Builder, you can choose to tie the recording to a SalesReach Page and save it as a Video in the Content Library
    1. When recording from the Visual Builder you may choose to save the video to the Page or to save it to the page and the Content Library
  3. From the Content Library, you can save a recording as a Video in the Content Library
    1. Navigate to the Videos section in the SalesReach Content Library and click the Add New button in the upper right, then select BuyerVideo