List of Permissions that Make Up Content Roles in the SalesReach Content Library

Content Roles are assigned to members in SalesReach or Groups. Once assigned Content Roles govern their access to the Content Library within SalesReach.

content roles in salesreach

What are Content Library Permissions

There are four levels of permissions relevant to each content type found within the Content Library. The permissions an Admin can assign to a user in SalesReach are Administrative access, Default Access, No access, and Private access only. 

Permission Levels that make up Content Roles

  • Administrative access - view, access, and edit all content (including private content)
  • Default access - view all non-private content and edit all 
  • Private access - most constrained only content that user has created. 
  • No access - the Content Library is not accessible via the dashboard for users with this level of permissions. 

Learn more about Permission Levels

Administrative access -  The highest level of permissions related to a content type granted to a user in SalesReach is Administrative access. Those with Administrative access will be able to view, access, and edit all content (including private content) within the Content Library for a particular content type. Suggestion: Administrative access should only be granted to users who need to manage all company-wide materials.  

Default access - The standard level of permissions related to a content type can be granted to a user within SalesReach. ‘Default access’ permissions allow users to view all non-private content in the Content Library granted to them by their group membership. Also, users with Default access will only see and be able to edit Bios that they have created. Default access will allow users to edit company-wide Assets via the dashboard.

No access - A user with No access permission level will not have the ability to create or edit that content type in the content library. However, they will have access to “read-only” views of the content in the library and will have the ability to use that content in the Visual Builder (access granted by group membership). No access is the most restricted permission level. 

Private access - When in the Content Library a user with ‘Private access’ to a specific content type will only be able to modify content that that user has created (and will see a “read-only” view of content their group membership gives them access to, but is not owned by them). Content created under “private access” is not eligible to be shared with others (but may be viewed by users with administrative access to the content type).