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What analytics does SalesReach offer on assets?

From the assets dashboard, you can view engagement data and utilization information of assets in the content library.

asset analytics

To access SalesReach sales engagement data on your assets, you must locate an asset in the content library.

Read more about where to locate SalesReach Analytics here.

How to view asset analytics

From the dashboard, hover over your sales page or asset and click the analytics icon on the far right.

The analytics icon: 

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List of asset analytics reported in SalesReach


Asset Lifecycle Data

  • Created: Date the asset was created by a SalesReach user in the library. The asset create date does not indicate when an asset was completely set up and used on any sales page. Rather it indicates the date an asset was saved in the content library.
  • Last modified: Date that any attribute of an asset was last changed and saved to that asset's record in the content library.
  • First click: The recorded date that the asset was first clicked from a published sales page from the customer view. This means if you click assets while in the visual builder, the click will not be recorded.
  • Last click: The most recent recorded date the asset received user engagement from a customer, prospect, or audience member. 
  • First impression: the first time the asset was seen on a sales page that was viewed from the customer, prospect, or audience view. Loading your own pages in the visual builder will not impact analytics.
  • Last impression: The most recent date the asset was seen on a sales page that was viewed from the customer, prospect, or audience member. 


  • Impressions: upon loading a sales page that features an asset(s) SalesReach counts to load of the sales page in sales page analytics and counts one impression per load for each asset on the page. 
  • Clicks: a count of instances of user engagement with the asset. 
  • Click ratio: a ratio of clicks to impressions. 
  • Used on: the number of sales pages that have this asset featured in the content section of a sales page.