SalesReach Chat (Two-Way Communications)

SalesReach Chat is available to Unlimited plan level customers

What is SalesReach Chat?

SalesReach Chat is our two-way communications feature designed to make SalesReach bi-directional in your customer facing efforts. With SalesReach Chat enabled on any page, you can now receive and respond to questions and receive any documents needed from your customers in a secure environment. Internal teams collaborating on pages can all join the chat by default and your external team can all join via a simple registration.

Learn how to use it here: 

Adding Chat to your pages

To enable chat on any page, first navigate to the content section on the left side bar of your page editor and select SalesReach Chat

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You can then specify who has access to chat (see "Who can join chat" below) and customize your headline and body copy if desired

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Once Chat has been added to the page it will look like this (in your company colors)

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*Pro tip: Pre populate the first message in the chat to the receiving party so they see a message from you the second they log-in.

When your guest(s) first arrive at the page, they will be asked to log-in or create an account to join chat. This is done for two reasons: security, and so you know who you are speaking with. This is also required so that your guests can control their own email notification preferences. Your customers information will never be used by SalesReach in any capacity. The first screen presented to your customers will look like this prior to log-in or account creation.

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Chat messages and attached files will not be visible to anyone visiting your Sales Page until after they have created an account and logged in. Only the page hosts (internal page owners) will be visible as chat participants prior to logging in.

How do I monitor my messages and respond in chat?

From your dashboard, you will be alerted of new chat messages in the top right by a new messages icon between your alerts and account settings. If one of your Sales Pages has a new message that has not been reviewed, you will see a notification badge in to the top right of the messages icon:

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To review or reply to messages, you can either navigate to the page editor for the page requiring a response by clicking the direct link to the editor here:

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You can then reply or pose questions to your customers directly from the chat within the page editor:

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Or, reply without ever going into the page editor by clicking on the conversation notification from your dropdown. This opens a drawer where you can review all questions, files and respond directly from the dashboard:

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Who can join the chat?

SalesReach Chat is secure by design. When you add chat to any page it is by default gated, meaning a visitor will have to enter a valid email address to view and participate in the conversation. Since most of your conversations will likely include privileged information you have an option to gate a Sales Page's chat in 3 ways:

  1. Allowing any valid email address to sign up and join (default)
  2. Allow only a specific email address (ie. or multiple email addresses (ie.,,
  3. Allow anyone with an email address for a given extension (ie. or mix of email extensions (ie.,
  4. Or any mix of option 2 & 3 (ie.,,

When should I use SalesReach Chat?

Whenever it makes sense! Does it make sense to include the chat feature on a cold outreach page for example? Likely not. Expecting a contact to create an account and converse with you in a new and unfamiliar environment on a first outreach is a tall ask.

However, once you have connected and are in discussions during a sales process, this would be a great time to introduce this feature to their custom page for convenience in documenting asks and saving shared materials.

Customer Success, Project Management, Onboarding & Training and Internal teams all have opportunities to leverage this feature in their efforts to improve the quality of dialog with their customers and internal teams.

More ideas on where and how to use chat in your customer facing role here: Video Coming Soon!

What file types can be shared within chat?

.csv, .zip, .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .xlsx, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .mov, .mp4, .ppt, .psd, .svg, .txt, .xml, .mpg, .mp3

If a customer sends me files through chat, how should I save them?

Files shared in chat will remain attached to the page they were shared on within the "files" pane of the SalesReach chat.

Should you ever disable and re-enable the chat feature during a customer's journey with you and your company all old messages and files will return.

If you would like to display received materials on the Sales Page in a more visual-first way, you can download the files and create Assets of them to place onto your pages. Additionally, you can always download the files to your computer to save locally if that makes more sense for your businesses needs.


Conversations Matter. We hope SalesReach Chat helps you keep yours better organized and accessible for your internal and external review teams.