Introducing Super Admin Access

A new Member Role has been introduced to SalesReach, the Super Admin. With this new role, are additional settings in SalesReach.

New to SalesReach is the Super Admin role. This role has been created to provide companies with a Member Role that could "bridge the gap" between teams, groups, and individual members in SalesReach.

Companies simply needed someone who could see everything, access everything, and make the changes necessary to facilitate better collaboration and focus. 

Every SalesReach portal has one Super Admin who manages all controls for Team Owners, Members, and Group settings.

Super Admins have access to the SalesReach Admin Menu.

Using the Admin Menu

There are two features within the Admin Menu that are only visible for accounts set up with Admin Access.

Teams - Those with Super Admin access can now manage and create teams without intervention. Easily create a new team and associate members with a new team here. Remove teams from your SalesReach account here as well. 

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