How to save your Sales Page as a Page Template

Page Templates are a great place to start creating Pages, instead of starting with a blank page, start from a Template with that has preloaded content.

If you have a Sales Page open in the Visual Builder, you may save the Sales Page as a Page Template in the Content Library. Then, you may reference the Page Template whenever you create a Sales Page in the future. 

SalesPage Templates 2

How to save your Sales Page as a Page Template: 

  • Login to SalesReach
  • To create a Page Template you can either, 
    • Click Create New Page, at the top of the Sidebar Menu
    • Click to edit an existing Page from the Dashboard
  • With the Sales Page open in the Visual Builder click the Template Icon located in the upper-right of the horizontal section of the Visual Builder
  • Name the Template (such as "Post-demo Followup | Midwestern Territory" )
  • Select visibility options
  • Click "Save"

Watch the full training video on Page Templates here.