How to Manage Proposals in SalesReach

Eventually, you'll want to use SalesReach to close a deal. Use the Proposals module through the sales negotiation process.

Proposals are unique to each SalesReach page

The Proposals Module is located in the Content Section of each SalesReach page. Each SalesReach page is designed to present one customer-facing proposal at a time. Though, you can attach multiple documents to be used as the selected customer-facing proposal within the Proposals Module.

How to access the Proposals Module

  1. Click to edit a SalesReach page >
  2. Use the Visual Builder Sidebar Menu to locate the Content Section >
  3. Click Add Content Section>
  4. Select Proposal
  5. Enter the form fields to complete the Proposal setup

In SalesReach each proposal is attached to the page. At any time when multiple proposals are attached to a SalesReach page (in the event a new version of a document should be shared with a client, for example) they will all be stored at the Page Level. 

Find all of your documents used in the Proposals Module in the Proposals Content Section of each page.

Warning: if you delete or remove the Proposals Content Section, your attached documents will no longer be attached to the SalesReach page.

How to add a document as a Proposal in SalesReach

To read more about how to attach a document to a SalesReach page to be used in the Proposals Module go here.