How to limit access to content in the Content Library

SalesReach Team Owners with admin access to the Content Library can assign access to certain content types such as Assets, Videos, Images, and others.

The Content Library contains all of the content your Sales Pages display. Sometimes it may be necessary to limit a team member's access to certain content, or certain content types in the Content Library. 

Content Types in the Content Library

  • Assets
  • Bios
  • Message Templates
  • Page Templates
  • Images 
  • Videos

Team Owners can assign permissions to each content type and define a Content Role. The Content Role can then be assigned to an individual team member or a group of team members in bulk. 

This allows Team Owners to lock down editing of content and make sure the correct content is getting used. 

How to limit a member's access to the Content Library in SalesReach

  1. Login to SalesReach and Locate Company Settings
    1. If you do not see Company Settings on the sidebar menu, you do not have Team Owner access to SalesReach. Contact your SalesReach Team Owner
  2. Under Company Settings click Members
  3. Note which Members in your SalesReach account are assigned to Groups
    1. If you want to limit access to multiple members, first assign those members to a group. Read more about creating and assigning groups here.
  4. Under Company Settings, click Content Roles
    1. All users within SalesReach have default permissions unless you specify otherwise with a content role
  5. To create a new Content Role, click "Create New Content Role"
  6. Assign a Role Name
  7. Provide a permission-level for each content type
  8. When you've set the permission levels you want, click "Save" in the lower right 
  9. There are two ways to assign your new Content Role
    1. Member-level: Edit a Member for member-level permissions with a Content Role to override the Default Content Role
    2. Team-level: In General Settings as the Default Content Role to assign at the team-level (everyone without a member-level role defined)