How to filter pages on the SalesReach Dashboard

Use the filter pages menu to sort pages on the dashboard.

If you have been creating pages for some time or you've taken steps to truly personalize your sales process within SalesReach it's likely that you will end up with a great number of pages. 

Sometimes finding that page can mean scrolling for some time. In other cases, perhaps a deal has closed and it's time to retire all pages associated with that deal or company. 

Filtering your Pages Table by Page attributes is a great way to quickly find what you are looking for or compare groups of pages. 

To Filter the Pages Table in SalesReach

  • From the SalesReach Dashboard locate the Pages Table
  • Next, locate the Filter icon within the Table Controls in the upper right of the Pages Table
  • Click the Filter icon
  • Use the Filter Pages Sidebar Menu Functionality 

filter-icon-salesreachScreen Shot 2020-04-23 at 1.10.06 PMFilter Pages Sidebar Menu Functionality

Not all metrics need to be selected or interacted with on the Filter Pages Sidebar Menu to complete a Pages Table sort. There are four categories of metrics to sort Pages by. 

Filter Pages by page attributes 

  1. Owner - Display all pages on the Pages Table that are owned by one or a selected combination of owners. 
  2. Date Range - Users can select metrics to target with a date range. Consider the date a page was created, last modified, first opened, or last opened. Date Ranges can be defined as "This Month," "This Week," or a "Custom" date range.
    1. Note, when selecting a Date Range you must click "Save" below the Date Range filter to apply the metric sort to the Pages Table. If you then select an additional metric such as Published Status or Deal Stage you must then click "Save" once more at the bottom of the Filter Pages Sidebar Menu
  3.  Published Status - Filter by pages based upon whether they're accessible to the public or are private to only your team. Learn more about Published and Unpublished pages here. 
  4. Deal Stage - Now you can filter your SalesReach pages based upon Deal Stage status. Pull all the pages that you've marked as Closed Won to review what worked with your last closed deals. 

The Filter Pages Sidebar Menu provides a preview of the number of Pages that will populate the table as a numerical value. See the number of results in the preview at the bottom of the menu before you proceed. 

To complete your filter, click Apply. 

Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the Dashboard view.