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Step 13: How to Attach or Add a Document as a Proposal to Any SalesReach Page

Read more to learn how to attach documents to be used as proposals in SalesReach.


Proposals are the result of the Proposals Module. Documents that you attach to the Proposals Modle are stored within the module to be used as customer-facing proposals. You may select one document to be used as a Proposal at a time. 

You may "preload" your SalesReach Page with a document to be revealed as a proposal later. You may also add two documents to be interchanged as a customer-facing proposal to gather feedback. There are a lot of use cases.

To attach or add a document to the Proposal Module you will need to:

  1. Write a Module Headline
  2. Write body text in the Module Copy section 
  3. Choose whether or not you would like to include a SalesReach Signature
  4. Select a Proposal Document you've previously used, or 
  5. Attach a new Proposal Document, this will be accessible anytime via the Proposal Document page
  6. If you would like to "hide" the Proposals Section from your customer-facing SalesReach page, just turn it off.

It makes the most sense to upload the proposals when you're building the page for the prospects because you can't connect a proposal that you've uploaded to a page unless a page exists. What I use the proposal section for in this software is to permanently delete any proposals that just don't need to exist anymore.

Use the delete button in the bottom right corner of any of these proposals that I hover over. Um, I will show you how to upload proposals in a little bit when we're building the first page.

Warning: if you delete the Proposals Section from your SalesReach page, you will no longer be able to access the documents it contained. You will have to reupload them. The Proposal Module can be deactivated from public visibility.

Next Step: 

Step 14: How to Edit SalesReach Page Details