Expanded SalesReach Settings Gives Admins More Control and Branding Opportunities

We've expanded the Settings options in SalesReach to give more control and collaboration between teams.

SalesReach has expanded beyond the sales floor. Now companies are bringing in multiple teams into the product, each with their own goals and objectives. 

Different teams are using SalesReach for different reasons. Sales handoffs, customer success plans, recruiting outreach, and more are all happening in SalesReach. One thing brings all of these teams together.

SalesReach is a great way to build enduring relationships with your customers. 

We've brought new updates and features to accommodate the expanding use cases of SalesReach so multiple teams can collaborate on bringing maximum of value to the customer.

Team Settings is now Company Settings

To bring more teams and more users into SalesReach and ensure that each team remains organized and efficient we've put in place access and permission controls to keep teams focused on the right Assets and content.

All of which are found in Company Settings, available to SalesReach Admins. 

New options and controls in General Settings

SalesReach General Settings has been completely redesigned to offer Admins more control and flexibility. 

Here's what's new to General Settings:

Company Info

  • Company Name - Text option to represent your company. You can use Company Name instead of your Logo at the top of all SalesReach PAges.
  • Slug - Define the URL of your pages. (Our slug is 'reach' which makes reach.salesreach.io possible).
  • Company Contact Fallback URL - Define where you want people to go after you've deleted or unpublished a SalesReach Page but the URL is still out there.

Company Branding

  • Fonts - We've integrated with the Google Fonts Library to bring over 100 new fonts to your SalesReach Pages. 
  • Company Logo - Multiple file types including svg are now supported.
  • Social Share Image - Upload an image to represent your SalesReach pages when you share them on social media platforms such as LinkedIn. We recommend uploading a JPEG image that is 1200 x 630 pixels to avoid the image being cropped when shared. Accepted file types are jpg, gif, png, or svg.
  • Header Logo - Select to use the Company Logo, just the Company Name from Company Info, or upload another one to use on the header of all SalesReach Pages.

Global Page Design

  • Page Preview - Know exactly how each SalesReach Page will utilize your brand. Whenever you set anything in Company Colors or Color Usage the Page Preview will update to demonstrate exactly what you're changing.
  • Company Colors -  Now you may set four colors within SalesReach. New to the color settings is a color picker, RGB, HSB, and color hex options. The color settings also have a before and after preview within the color picker panel.
  • Color Usage -  With your core colors selected the Color Usage panel allows you to choose exactly where those colors will be used. The Page Preview will update as you make changes.
  • Asset Aspect Ratio - All Assets have an image (or 'tile') associated to the link or file. This image appears on the SalesReach page whenever you place the Asset on any Page. Now you can control the shape of your Asset's appearance. 1:1 (square) or 4:3 are options within Global Page Design settings.