The Pages Table Has New Controls and Filters with Better Data on Dashboard

Login to SalesReach and you will see a new table with better functionality. Sort pages by engagement, filter by date, and complete essential maintenance with a new interface.

All of your SalesReach Pages are sorted into the table of the SalesReach Dashboard. The table may look very similar but we encourage you to try out some of the filters to explore the new functionality brought to the table. New data points have been added, pages can be sorted and filtered, and new table controls are present. 

New Table Controls

The new table controls appear in the upper right of the table and represent distinct page maintenance actions and table sort functionality. 

[image annotated table controls]

  1. Edit - Select one page and click the Edit icon to make changes in the Visual Builder. 
  2. Delete - Select one or more pages to be deleted. Note: by deleting any page or combination of pages you will be removing it an all associated data (such as visits and clicks) from SalesReach. This will impact reporting.  
  3. Duplicate - Select one or more pages to be duplicated. This will not duplicate the data of the original and will create a duplicated and unpublished new version of the source. 
  4. Transfer Ownership - Select one page or more to be transferred to another Member in SalesReach. This can be helpful if a rep leaves and the Admin should introduce a replacement rep or when making a handoff between service providers at your company. 
  5. Filter - Clicking the Filter Icon will open the Filter Pages Sidebar Menu. There are a few additional definitions that you can learn more about the Filter Pages Sidebar Menu here. Essentially the Filter Pages Sidebar Menu helps users organize, find, and sort by Page attributes including Owner, Dates, Published Status, and Deal Stage. 

Interactive Column Titles to Sort and Display New Data

The Pages Table now has more ways to analyze the performance of your SalesReach Pages. The new Pages Table features the updates to the column titles.

Column titles are interactive. Users can sort the Pages Table via column titles in two ways. 

  • Ascending and Descending values. 
  • Page Metrics. See the New Column Titles for Page Metrics that can be selected via the column titles. 

New Column Titles 

  1. Title
  2. Last Opened / First Open / Created  [1]
  3. Owner
  4. Visits / Unique Visits / Asset Clicks / Video Clicks [1]
  5. URL
  6. Published / Deal Stage [1]

[1]  Page metrics can be selected via the column title and data can be sorted by ascending or descending values. 

Users can still sort the Pages Table by ascending and descending order.